Forum Discussion

JaysinB's avatar
7 years ago

Should I bother pushing for Thrawn 7*?

OK, I have been prepping for the upcoming Thrawn event and I'm at a point where I'm unsure if I'll be able to pull off a 7* win. So I'm debating about cutting my loss now and switching back to farming gearing other people.

I've calculated it and I know I can get everyone to 7* before the event is done.

I will be able to Omega a couple of basic abilities (thinking Zeb and Ezra). The rest of the abilities are a mix. All unique abilities are lvl 5 or higher, still time to improve abilities, but probably not everything to lvl 7.

Everyone is gear 8 and I'll be able to gear 9 Chopper and either Ezra or Hera.

I'll probably be lvl 79 during the event, maybe 80 near the end.

Here's a link to my team, pay no attention to the mods currently on them I'd switch out my arena mods, but they're not amazing (+60 speed is my highest kit).

I'd love some opinions if people think I could push for it and maybe get the win, or if there's no hope and just be happy with a 6*.