Forum Discussion

xeynx1's avatar
7 years ago

Similar Problem with Opponent Selection...

It seems as though there are a couple of camps on GW. Either it's hot knife through butter or its insane. It doesn't seem like there is a middle ground balance of difficulty.

I've seen a couple other posts mention it, but to me it seems like there needs to be some "help" for sub-85 people. I don't mind a challenge, but there is an inconsistency in how GW is portrayed. Is it supposed to be a "test" of your roster? Or is it supposed to be a "test" of your best 5? Or neither?

I think the problem is, until waaay later (which seems at farm rates to be about a year or so of playing), that a lot of people have 1 decent team (probably their arena team), and the rest are a smattering of decency.

I don't mind a challenge, but I seem to see the same difficulties. It's either I do okay, or I get wiped off the map.

What I'd like to see is if there was SOME restrictions placed on what you could possibly could see. I know there is about 130% of "power" right now, but that's quite a skewed thing as some teams are specifically designed to counter others.

I'd like to see a lower cap. For example, I'm level 78 right now, I shouldn't see level 85 teams. How this is accomplished could be a couple different ways. Averages of entire roster. I.e., if my roster average level is 62, I shouldn't go against someone who's 84. Or keep it simple that you can't go against a team that's more than 2 levels above your current "best" team.

Secondly, gear needs to be accounted for. Opponents shouldn't have more than the total of your best 5, maybe with a bit of a fudge like level. Meaning, if my best 5 are all T8 gear, I shouldn't face a squad that is all G11.

Thirdly, omega/zeta, and I've seen other people mention this. If I have 1 omega/zeta, it's not even close to a fair fight against a diametrically opposite counter team that is fully decked out.

Fourth, mod level. This might be part of the crux of the problem with level. Maybe the mod level needs to be accounted for in some way. (Perhaps just total the T-levels of every mod between them?).

I think from what I've read it uses the GP of the best 5, but in just seems like it's stacked against you (in the mid-tier game anyway.) I know this stuff might not be popular to the end-game peoples because it's just a "chore" for you, but how is it productive (and also beneficial in the long run) if you hinder the development of the mid-level game? Remember, us middies are the ones that eventually fill your guild ranks for raids. You'd think you'd want it way easier for people to build up =p.

My example, and here is my swgoh profile:, is that my best is phoenix squad. But like clock-work, every single node will have Vader, Maul, .

Here's yesterday's node 12:
85 zEmp Palp (Lead) T11 gear
85 zDarth Vader T11 gear
85 zCount Dooku T11 gear
85 zDarth Maul T11 gear
85 zGrand Moff Tarkin T11 gear

Look, I get challenge, but that's beyond impossible for my entire roster. I think my only case is, either make it so it's feasible based on the entire roster, or don't allow this obvious of an overpowered opponent. Even if I had a decent 2nd squad, that team had every ability zeta'd. I can't even get them.....

  • 1st galactic war is designed to reward a deep roster. You mention you don't have a decent second squad geared so I presume you don't have a deep roster.

    2nd the real problem is that the gw algorithm doesn't see a difference between the squad you posted and g12 Chewbacca lead g12 ns acolyte g12 pao zetaed g12 tfp and g12 wicket. Second is that there isn't a difference in power between 5 star mods

    3rd do you load turn meter on multiple teams. Palpatine and tarkin are glass cannons. If you can spend a team each to take both of them out you should be able beat the remaining three.
  • Right, I get that. I haven't been playing long enough to have 10 different teams when the mechanics of the ways in which you earn shards are stacked completely against earning them at a rate in which to progress. (Of course, that's really the point no? You need a deep roster, spend money to get it?)

    Which is my point in the impossible opponents. I am merely making suggestions to helping with the mid-tier game.

  • Scruminator's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    At level 78 I had a pretty deep roster and I don’t spend much into the game. I have 3 teams I use for gw right now and I’m level 83. When you face gear 12 teams that’s when you know you’re in for a challenge
  • "xeynx;d-161371" wrote:

    I'd like to see a lower cap. For example, I'm level 78 right now, I shouldn't see level 85 teams.

    Here's yesterday's node 12:
    85 zEmp Palp (Lead) T11 gear
    85 zDarth Vader T11 gear
    85 zCount Dooku T11 gear
    85 zDarth Maul T11 gear
    85 zGrand Moff Tarkin T11 gear

    Look, I get challenge, but that's beyond impossible for my entire roster. I think my only case is, either make it so it's feasible based on the entire roster, or don't allow this obvious of an overpowered opponent. Even if I had a decent 2nd squad, that team had every ability zeta'd. I can't even get them.....

    If you send in a Phoenix team (5 rebels and 2 jedi) against an EP/Vader team, you are supposed to have a hard time.

    If Phoenix is all you have, and you didn't preload your own DS toons with TM and you didn't send in a suicide squad to have the enemy burn their high damage specials then you are supposed to have a hard time against an EP/Vader team.

    You're only level 78. Be patient, young padawan. Keep developing your roster and level up. At some point you will hit the cap, where enemy teams in GW don't get any harder and you can sail right through. Until then GW is supposed to be challenging.
  • I did send in suicide squad (a couple in fact to burn up the specials), but against a fully zeta'd team with 200+ speed, it just was a losing proposition.

    I've done the suicide squading a few times, and as I mentioned, I don't mind a challenge and some strategery. But this has nothing to do with strategy or anything, it was just pure slaughter. Even if I did have a viable empire or some such team, that node was just so ridiculously overpowered for the point in the game I am.

    As I mentioned, if it's supposed to be a "test" of having a "deep roster", it should account for the player's entire roster and not just the top 5. Will people hot knife it? Of course, but people do now, so what does it matter if it's a bit "easier" for the low/mid-tier people? Sometimes, I can make it through unscathed, but sometimes I just get head scratchers like that node.