Forum Discussion

Player_m1ju589l's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Slight Talia re-work

Confession: I freakin love Talia. She was my first 7*, as I love life drain effects(Stemming mostly from my playing an Affliction Lock in WoW) and the Nightsisters are my main team.

However, at some point(eventually, not any time soon), she should have her leader ability replaced with something else, likely a strong passive/unique that perhaps can be zeta'd.

With both Ventress and now MT, there's pretty much zero reason to ever have Talia as lead.
  • That's not going to happen... At least not soon. She got reworked a few months ago, so if she gets a second rework, it will be next year. (But I don't think they are going to rework nightsisters again)
  • Old char suffered this too, almost every old char have a leader ability that you are not going to use.
    And after soooo many reworks...they all stayed.
  • Her last re-work saw some nice tweaks to her kit so I'd be surprised to see her changed again any time soon. I get what you mean on the leader ability, sooooo many characters have redundant leadership skills but it is what it is.
  • Maybe they can do something where they rollout a content patch wherein they replace all redundant leadership abilities, regardless of faction??

    Again, not something that needs to be done any time soon, but perhaps it could be tacked on to a lesser update?
  • "Haruk;c-1466842" wrote:
    Maybe they can do something where they rollout a content patch wherein they replace all redundant leadership abilities, regardless of faction??
    Again, not something that needs to be done any time soon, but perhaps it could be tacked on to a lesser update?

    So how about mats spent on those skills? refund?
    One of my guildmate has farmboy leader zeta'd...well it's an accident but still a zeta.
  • CLS came out and they buffed all the New Hope characters. Leia and Old Ben still have their old leader abilities. Leia's lead is honestly just sad, but it wasn't touched. They're not going to try and make another lead viable when they think theres already enough options. They'll try and take that lead idea somewhere new to make another faction viable.