Forum Discussion

psebsee2002_v2's avatar
Rising Traveler
4 months ago

So your release an "offensive" GL that is vitually unbeatable on D....

And then the community finds a counter that works and you nerf it.  And you make your offensive GL completely unbeatable again?   

1 Reply

  • Because CG is more concerned about pushing players to rent their garbage datacrons for four months at a time than they are fixing bugs, adding quality of life updates we've been asking about for years, and so on.

    It's become Galaxy of Datacrons.  I've seen the expectation that Baylon will very likely have a special "DC" for after his event since his event should coincide with the expiration of our older set (25 October).  He's expected at the end of this month.  (Scrybe has a video about it.)

    Our newer DC set expires on Christmas, so Ahsoka will probably have a DC in the next set that turns her into another immovable force to punish players for not getting Ahsoka immediately.  (FOMO is a consistent CG tactic)