Forum Discussion

EN6A6E's avatar
Rising Novice
3 years ago

Something needs to be done about matchmaking!

We should not be matched up against guilds that are 60M+ GP more than us!
They have almost 1M average GP more per player than us.
They have 18 GLs. Over half of those were used on their defences. We could not break through their front lines, while they had an easy win taking our side of the map. At the time we only had 1 valid GL at our disposal.

Our active guild gp was 120-130M. In order for them to even match up with us they would have had to have 19 inactive players on their side so they could drop 80M+ GP. This was not the case as they had near full participation from their side! Which means that we were paired against a guild fighting way outside of their active gp tier.

My guild

Their guild

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