Forum Discussion

obikenobi123's avatar
6 years ago

Squad Arena isn't fun anymore

All the mirror matches, all the revans being in top 50.....i just do my 2 battles a day and just leave it at that. its not worth potentially timing out to try and go up a couple spots. Squad arena is very unfun right now. There is no non-revan defense against Revan teams. The best defense at this point is to have a revan team that times out other revan teams. The main culprit in this meta being as dominated by Revan is zeta Jolee Bindo. He's just so hard to kill and you can't debuff him or crit him. he's tanky and his zeta makes going after everyone else in the squad worthless. if you don't kill Jolee quick enough, you lose because you time out. Really frustrating and unfun. Jolee needs to be nerfed a bit. Maybe make his revive SA start on cool down?

Right now Grand Arena has replaced Squad Arena as what is the most fun in this game. At least in Grand Arena i get to use all my other teams and i don't have to fight against a wall of other Revan teams. There is a lot of viable squads to use in Grand Arena whereas there is really only one in Squad Arena. Right now if you run anything other than Revan in squad arena you fall a lot in rank, so it really makes the meta as one sided as it is right now. I hope CG adds something soon to mix things up because it's really starting to sap my enjoyment of this game. And i have 3 accounts and have been playing 3+ years.