2 years ago
Stamina in conquest
Maybe it’s just me, but I’d love to be able to see the stamina of my toons for conquest even if I don’t have enough energy to get to the squad selection screen. Sometimes, particularly when grindi...
"herd_nerfer;c-2448443" wrote:
I'm all for more QoL updates but I can honestly say I've never needed this or found it to be problematic. A minor adjustment in how you approach conquest could make all the difference here. On any given conquest day I take a look at what feats I'm working on that day and plan for not using any one team more than 5 times. If you do conquest at the same time every day that ensures your teams will regen back to 100% stamina by the time you come back to them the next day.
You CAN fly by the seat of your pants in conquest, but unless you have a size XXL roster and plan to eat every consumable you come across, it's generally a bad idea. Go in with a plan that was created with stamina management in mind and you'll rarely, if ever find yourself in a situation where you refreshed without the stamina to see it through.
That being said, if the devs wanted to do some conquest QoLs... I'm more than happy to see that coming. Better stamina views - sure - but also please let us switch sectors without navigating back to the main conquest screen, and for the love of all that's holy, please do something about the data disk screen - it's like herding cats trying to switch a single disk when they all share the same six icons and you have to equip every one to find the one you're looking for.