Forum Discussion

kerwyn2's avatar
8 years ago

Strongest Empire Thrawn Team

Hello All,

With the expected release of Thrawn we've done a lot of theory crafting. And a team I think will be near unstoppable can be ;
Gar Saxon Lead. Thrawn. Imperial Super commando. Boba and Shore/GK.

The theory behind this..
Fast boba. Fast Thrawn. AB with bob and let the counters fly. Each hit from Thrawn stuns. GS applies speed down. Shore CC down. ISC O down. And it'll be a continuous loop of this once u apply fracture. Even more with GK.

Discuss please. I'm open to any ideas/modifications.

35 Replies

  • Totally agree, I've been slowly working on tarkin as well and I've maxed out Veer's lead as well just in case, so it will be fun to play around with them.
  • Krennic lead maybe decent zetaed Crits lead to ability blocks Thrawn hit after will stun but don't believe will be fast enough . Hybrid Thrawn comp will probably be meta . I shared the Tarkin lead Thrawn dt shore dn comp before because thread was about all Empire and just now realized dn isn't Empire my apologies but I truly believe Gk for shoretrooper will be ran by a lot. Thrawn countering with retribution way better than the 15 extra tm Tarkin gets on his special. I'm hoping I can run my veers lead Thrawn snowtrooper dt shoretrooper with some Success too
  • Yeah, my current team is zKrennic(l), zDT, zVeers, ShoreT and Rex... Thrawn will be a great addition in place of Rex and I think will help me stay in top 10 over night and actually compete for 1st. Right now zaul and the current meta are really hurting my ability to do so, but I think Thrawn will allow me to break that.
  • "Smapty;c-1130725" wrote:
    intentionally make DT on the slower side to dispel all the hot's, tenacity etc that a triple cleanse team will put up trying to dispel the fracture.

    I doubt that is going to happen. The AI should be able to distinguish non-cleanseable debuffs, which is why it (to my knowledge) doesn't try to cleanse Sabine's armor break. It's also the same reason it doesn't try to dispel BHR or back-up plan.

  • On the other hand there are plenty of debuffs going around on an empire team... so plenty of opportunity to make them use those cleanses!