7 years ago
[SUGGESTION] "Reassign gear/ability mats" option
This suggested feature has no downsides really. People who don't care about rerolling this much wouldn't even be bothered, others would be happy. This will also make good money to CG. Here are my points:
1. It will somewhat solve GA matchmaking. Although algorithm undoubtedly require some tuning, this is a quick and easy fix from development cost/time standpoint. CG, If you can't fix matchmaking, just let us redo our rosters whatever we see fit.
2. Permanent solution to all future reworks/nerfs. There are going to be more and more reworks and nerfs in the future. And every time you do that - there are going to be people that will get upset. Right now the zeta refunds are determined based on outrage level. You would free up a lot of time manually responding to the outrage and issuing refunds every time this happens (or not issuing them and making people upset), you will be free to do more daring reworks, because if people don't like it that much - they will just get their resources back. Easy.
3. The game has changed. The game has been around for a long time now. At first many of us never thought that we would be playing for that long. We did not take things seriously. We made poor decisions. We thought some squads were good, and we leveled them and they turned out to be absolute trash. Constant meta changes and power creep as well. New game modes, the release of Territory Battles that forced us artificially raise our GP to get higher scores. Now the GA went live and our inflated GPs backfired. Too much things stacked up and I think It's fair to give players the opportunity to rethink everything, pick their favorite game mode, erase all their noobish mistakes of the past and have a second chance.
4. Make devs more $. Firstly, the gear reset should cost a bit of crystals - that's instant profit. It will also keep players happy - they will play for longer - this will raise Lifetime Value. Maybe some players will even come back. It will also lower the entry level barrier. Since the game is so difficult and competitive, new players are doing stuff they should not do, they play until like 500k GP and realise how much they've screwed up. It's not fun when it's happening. It's not fun to not being able to undo mistakes. And It's not fun to start over. I am seeing posts like this EVERY SINGLE DAY on vk swgoh and I believe that more new players would stay if they had the "reassign gear" feature.
Two possible ways of implementing this feature:
1. Full reset. Probably like 1 or 2 times a year (so people don't abuse it) for a fee of 10-20k crystals maybe?
2. Local reset. Probably for the "rework" occasions, so you don't have to re-gear your whole roster because just this one character got changed
Alright guys, thanks for reading. Comment what do you think (maybe some upsides/downsides I forgot about).
1. It will somewhat solve GA matchmaking. Although algorithm undoubtedly require some tuning, this is a quick and easy fix from development cost/time standpoint. CG, If you can't fix matchmaking, just let us redo our rosters whatever we see fit.
2. Permanent solution to all future reworks/nerfs. There are going to be more and more reworks and nerfs in the future. And every time you do that - there are going to be people that will get upset. Right now the zeta refunds are determined based on outrage level. You would free up a lot of time manually responding to the outrage and issuing refunds every time this happens (or not issuing them and making people upset), you will be free to do more daring reworks, because if people don't like it that much - they will just get their resources back. Easy.
3. The game has changed. The game has been around for a long time now. At first many of us never thought that we would be playing for that long. We did not take things seriously. We made poor decisions. We thought some squads were good, and we leveled them and they turned out to be absolute trash. Constant meta changes and power creep as well. New game modes, the release of Territory Battles that forced us artificially raise our GP to get higher scores. Now the GA went live and our inflated GPs backfired. Too much things stacked up and I think It's fair to give players the opportunity to rethink everything, pick their favorite game mode, erase all their noobish mistakes of the past and have a second chance.
4. Make devs more $. Firstly, the gear reset should cost a bit of crystals - that's instant profit. It will also keep players happy - they will play for longer - this will raise Lifetime Value. Maybe some players will even come back. It will also lower the entry level barrier. Since the game is so difficult and competitive, new players are doing stuff they should not do, they play until like 500k GP and realise how much they've screwed up. It's not fun when it's happening. It's not fun to not being able to undo mistakes. And It's not fun to start over. I am seeing posts like this EVERY SINGLE DAY on vk swgoh and I believe that more new players would stay if they had the "reassign gear" feature.
Two possible ways of implementing this feature:
1. Full reset. Probably like 1 or 2 times a year (so people don't abuse it) for a fee of 10-20k crystals maybe?
2. Local reset. Probably for the "rework" occasions, so you don't have to re-gear your whole roster because just this one character got changed
Alright guys, thanks for reading. Comment what do you think (maybe some upsides/downsides I forgot about).