Forum Discussion

CronozNL's avatar
9 years ago

Suggestion Squad Synergy Bonus

This might already be suggested before but I didn't find it on the search function. Also this forum is hard to keep track of so apology in advance if it's a repost.

The current meta is pretty much the same as it was before. All I'm seeing is Poe, Phasma, Geo/Rey/Qgj/IG's as nuke. It's pretty discouraging to go for a synergy team like Rebels, First Order, all Jedi or all Sith. The lead bonus is in some cases nice but imo do far too little.
A friend of mine is playing a rebels max squad. He can't get into the top 20 spot because he is being bounced back to 50-100 over night. It's fun on offense but when I tested its defense by attacking him, I was sad to see how easy it was to beat.

Same for my own nightsister team. Normally I never drop below #30 over night. Swapped in my nightsister team for a day and got warped to #70 pretty fast.
Back to cookie cutter build facing my own team (by another player) has made me realise how bad Nightsister team is on defense.
I'm sure we all notice this since the top teams are just a random bunch of chars that happen to be really fast, high dmg and in no need of team synergy. Heck a Phasma (L), Dooku, Geo, Rey and QGJ i.e. have no real synergy (teamwise) but just deal insane dmg.

My suggestion is this:
Give out smaller bonuses to synergized teams. E.g. for every consecutive Rebel in a squad, the team get's +5% offense per rebel.
Hope I make some sense explaining it :p

For nightsisters it could be something like +5% speed per nightsister in team. This would make it more attractive to play synergized teams and might shift the meta a lot.
Just feels like synergized teams have no impact at all atm.

(except perhaps Poggle droid team).