I spent $20 on Talzin ($ pack and some crystals) - I got her to 5* - my other NS were raring to go - and I've been playing in the top of my arena since a little after Halloween. I'm pretty sure I more then "made up for it" from arena. Plus tearing through TW and and DS TB with them.
And I'm quite glad they'll be available in additional ways. I want her 7* sooner, I want to use her for the last phases of DS TB, I want to g12 her, and I want to use her in raids.
All my half decent math was telling me that with constant refreshes and never missing an event and maybe popping a pack now and again it'd still be 11 months to have her 7* - and two years for anyone doing it normally. That's not cool. Devs never hinted it would be any less time.
TL:DR; This was much wanted news for my love loved faction - arigatou.