I understand where the OP is coming from. To get a MT 7* G12 days after her release took a lot of money. 2 or so months later she becomes farmable from shipments is kinda a slap in the face to those that spent money. Sadly this game and many other online games....money is why this game stays online and updates are made. I felt burned before by changes made after I worked my butt off to get stuff. One thing was the changes made to mods being 100% drop. Sure that's a great change...sadly I farmed mods from day 1 and many,many, many times I used tons of crystals on refreshes to get none drop. Had they been a 100% drop from day 1 I could have gotten a lot of really great mods.
OP I've become accustomed to changes like this before and one thing I learned...was never be in a hurry to get something because it will eventually become farmable and easier to obtain.