6 years ago
TB: both or choose
Do 80 million+ GP guilds run BOTH Geonosis and Hoth TBs at the same time, or will they choose which one they want to do before TB starts and only do the chosen TB? I was unclear about this based on the post.
"Ultra;c-1877782" wrote:"Kokie;c-1877777" wrote:I'd rather have more Geo TB than Hoth TB
Well that is about a big of a crock of excrement that you can get. Promised new content but now you have to sacrifice old to participate. So the whole reason they gave for rolo and ipd shard reduction was a total sham. Not too often I get ticked off at this game but this one has done it.
Hoth TB is boring at higher GP and knowing that Geo TB has better rewards and new GET Mk II, it would be awful waiting once a month to play Geo TB
The expectation is that if done right, Geo TB should be so good that you don't even want to go back to Hoth TB
You can always choose to play old content so its not a total loss
"CG_SBCrumb;c-1877757" wrote:
They will run simultaneously but the guild's officers will choose which one your guild will participate in. You can't do both Geo TB and Hoth TB at the same time.
"Monel;c-1877788" wrote:Well this isn't going anywhere so we can just agree to disagree"Ultra;c-1877786" wrote:
They never said you can play both at once, just that both will be running at once
Before criticizing others on how to use a word, lets learn to read first ok :smile:
Lol, well they said concurrently. Let me ask how many TBs will you be running?
"sigsig;c-1877791" wrote:
Why not say you get to choose which one in the original post? The fact that they left that out, and said they run concurrently, made it sound like you get to do both.
"Ultra;c-1877795" wrote:"Monel;c-1877788" wrote:Well this isn't going anywhere so we can just agree to disagree"Ultra;c-1877786" wrote:
They never said you can play both at once, just that both will be running at once
Before criticizing others on how to use a word, lets learn to read first ok :smile:
Lol, well they said concurrently. Let me ask how many TBs will you be running?