5 years ago
Territory battle rewards
I feel that with so many characters being farmed from Guild Event Currency 1 that you shouldn't have to choose between progressing in Geo, or max staring Hoth. Now that both Wampa and Hermit Yoda are needed for legendaries I feel that either they need to be moved off GEC1, or the GEC1 should be increased on Geo TB to compensate.
Here's my solution. If your guild has maxed hoth then you should get the Max GEC1 from Hoth battles regardless of the number of stars you get in Geo.
Because newer players that guns themselves in a guild trying to push geo will have trouble getting enough GEC1 to farm 4 characters. GEC1 is also one of the most reliable places to get hard to farm gear.
Here's my solution. If your guild has maxed hoth then you should get the Max GEC1 from Hoth battles regardless of the number of stars you get in Geo.
Because newer players that guns themselves in a guild trying to push geo will have trouble getting enough GEC1 to farm 4 characters. GEC1 is also one of the most reliable places to get hard to farm gear.