"newbornFL;d-159763" wrote:
Our guild > Average of 1.3 milion GP with a few 2 mil players.
Total~: 65 mil GP.for 49 players
Enemy Guild > Average of 1.9 million with a handfull of 1.2 mil players
Total¬: 78 mil GP for 44 players
Do you see where the problem lies?
The enemy guild has characters our guild simply can't have because our players are not at the same level. This is not fair at all and the matchmaker is broken.
There is a big difference in having 1 player that has many good caracters and golded that is at 2 mil and 3 players that have the same thing but lesser.
Quantity does not mean quality.
So fix your **** and put more strict rules for the matchmaker,it's unbearable to think that we try our best,everyone is trying their best to make strategies ,coordonate,waste their time staying up looking at the TW map only to be beaten by a far superior team that doesn't even coordonate,and i tell you,they didn't coordonate,they just attacked everything,we had Empire teams in T1,Phoenix teams in T2,Sith teams in T3 with zetas and everything,it was all for nothing. (we didn't know that only this morning somebody looked their guild onto the ingame search motor,big **** difference)
Our strategy works,we won all of our past TW with similar level guilds(as of SWGOH and Ingame).
But these guys weren't similar,they were just strooling around stomping everything.
By the time we had finished everything we had they have just only started.
Am I even allowed to report the guild...
The Guild Wars should be : The best coordonating guild should win,not the best pay2win op stomping guild should win....
Let me tell you something : An single enemy player has cleared 15 of our Phoenix Squadrons (around 65.000 GP with good mods and omegas,etc)
Im confused. You suggest that your guild has a concentration of power in fewer more powerful members, state the enemy has their GP more evenly spread, and then complain that they have fewer but more powerful/quality toons.
Dont get me wrong, were fed up of being matched against guilds with GP concentration in a few members with ultra meta toons that we dont have a hope of beating.
But if your guild has a skew of higher GP players, then its your guild that has an advantage here.