Date of TW: 10/5-10/6
Your Guild’s GP: 143M
Opposing team’s GP: 155M
# of my guild members who joined: 50
# of opposing guild members who joined: 48
Other fun facts:
Zetas: Our 1,096 to their 1,400
G12 Toons: Our 964 vs their 1,429
G11+ Toons: Our 1,806 vs their 2,768
g11+ Trayas: Our 7 vs their 30
All the other stats we reviewed - # of Jango, Chewie, Bastila, Qi'ra, etc were all pretty flat.
However, they have 962 more G11+ toons than we do - that's enough to fill more than 8 complete zones with the extra toons. I'm really "excited" about this one...