Forum Discussion

Kirth45's avatar
8 years ago

Territory Wars match up

Is anyone else facing a guild twice as powerfull as their own? My guild is vastly out numbered and out matched and stand no chance of winning at all

8 Replies

  • Our Guild seems to be matched fairly evenly. Sorry that happened to you.
  • We have the same issue. Our guild has enough toons to fill 70% of all territories but we have no GK, CLS, CHAZE combos all at g12. We have about 5 or 6 g12 in the entire guild and 2 of those are on both accounts I have. The other guild has the same gp, but has it all condensed. Only 10-16 teams in each territory but some obnoxiously rediculous metas across the board.
  • We have a guild we are facing that is 13 mil above us

    79mil for us vs. 92.5 mil them.

    Not quite fair but oh well.
  • We are a 56M guild, facing a roughly the same size guild but with some really strong teams. GL12 unmasked Kylo? /sigh We'll see how it goes, but it's not looking good atm.
  • My guild is primarily casual but we specifically told people not to sign up if they weren't going to be able to contribute. Well, 47 signed up and only 30 have done anything so far. The other guild has MUCH higher participation so we're just getting wrecked.
  • Our match up was very close. 111,163,353 to 112,933,873 (according to
  • Our guild is also hugely outmatched - also noticed the same team being deployed twice by the same player in the same opposing sector !!! That can't be right ????