To followup, i was only kidding.
Well i am not kidding that it sometimes makes me rage when i watch him snipe or clock block 2 or 3 timezones in a row.
But i am not going to spend money to go after him. Thatbwouldnjust clock block other people.
I just wish i was on anserver that was more coop.
It took me awhile to understand the mechanics and repercussions, myself.
When i begin my daily run, i always look at the clock when i am going to pass a pay threshhold. And i make sure to wait u til after 5pm before i win that fight.
Then btn 5 and 6pm i step around people in my timezone, for self preservation as much as anything, to be honest. But it works better for everyone that way.
Then i refrain from messing with arena again until it is my time to payout. So as many other people will win top ten or twenty in their timezone as possible.
I want to watch EA money grab burn, as much as possible. Paying to rage against one other player woupd be totally counterproductive, as fun as that might be. This would be a win for EA money grab.
Sometimes i am losing the urge to even play for time and fun ratio. Seeing this guy at topnspot 16 hrs a day for 3 weeks with hisbpay team doesnt help. It wouldnbe different if no one could beat him. He just always fights back.
Before his reign there was another guy who at least parked in second. Now there are two guys who park in top five but who dont actively fight back unless it isntheir hour, and this guy that always fights to top at any hour.