Forum Discussion

electricnick260's avatar
7 years ago

That video showing 15 million damage in p3 with nightsisters is *nearly* worthless

The entire setup relies on having good enough RNG to have traya NOT killing off your entire team at enraged. It will not be consistent. There's no way to make it consistent because of buff immunity at enraged. Traya can one hit kill everyone but ventress, and due to healing immunity even ventress with die fast.However if you want consistent and good damage the team will still do a solid 3-8 million. 8 million if you're lucky. I can pull off 3 million with undergeared nightsisters. From my own testing the following nightsister teams are optimal for damage output.Both teams use zeta talzin lead. I've not been able to properly test some of them because I'm still working on the gear, but one can assume based on the stats of the gear I have yet to get as well as the average attacks of each character at the higher gear levels, what will work. Also I know for certain the teams at the gear level I have them at still do really good damage

Character speed(after leadership is applied) gear level
Zeta Ventress 220 G12
Talia 210-230 G12
Nightsister Zombie 180 speed (more if able) G11
Nightsister Spirit 210-230 G12

Another team that should do well just swaps talia or nightsister spirit for acolyte, however this one may not do as well because talia's healing helps quite a bit before enraged. You do NOT want to use daka, her damage output is far too low to be helpful in a STR team. I only use her in raids for now because I haven't gotten off my lazy bum to level up spirit or talia fully. But the advertised 15 million damage shown in the video on youtube just won't be consistent and therefore is nearly worthless. Expect a maximum of 8 million damage. Use crit chance and crit damage mod sets when possible.

15 Replies

  • "electricnick260;c-1633548" wrote:
    "Firebrigade;c-1633538" wrote:
    Daka isn’t in there for the damage output, she’s in there for the TM gain so her and Ventress can go back and forth.

    You also seem to be neglecting that Daka is zetad in the video, so she stacks a LOT of health, which is what allows them to keep going through enrage.

    {EA_Lanna: edited to remove bait}

    Daka gaining tons of health is completely pointless. She will still get absolutely ruined by enraged attacks, and therefore will die just as easily as without the zeta. If stacking health were really that helpful ventress would be much harder to kill as well, but even she dies fast.

    {EA_Lanna: edited to remove bait}

    You completely missed the main point:

    Daka is not there for damage. She's there because she applies a debuff with her basic, which is then resisted and subsequently generates TM for the whole team.

    You can't simply conclude anything about the performance on heroic based on the performance on tier 4 and 5. Even if you could, my alt's team which included Daka and Initiate outperformed your team by far on tier 5. Something is way off in your tests.
    {EA_Lanna: edited to remove bait}
  • Video creator here. You very clearly don’t understand the mechanics. Others have tried explaining but you don’t seem to grasp it. I’m not going to bother repeating what they’ve said, but I just wanted to say they are right. Daka is a must.

    As for consistency, it’s better than you think. So far I’ve run this team I think 8 or 9 times. I’ve had runs of over 7 million, 10 million, and 15 million. The rest have been restarts shortly into the run. My sample size is small, but so far it’s been much more reliable than a Chex Mix Run. Yes, the RNG to get 15 million was good (although not perfect by any means. I still think I can double that score on a lucky as hell run). The RNG to get 8-10 million doesn’t have to be all that great. I had terrible luck (and a few poor decisions) in my 7 million run video where I showed the mechanics.
  • You’re basing your experience off of t5 and you do t have daka zetad or talzin.
    And the more you talk about this, the more it seems like you have no idea how the zzasajj, ztalzin, zdaka, Talia, and LOW GEAR zombie work.
    Go watch skelturix solo nihilus in p1 without traya or acolyte.
  • I have run this team 3 times on heroic tier and for me it is a brilliant team and I seem to get consistent results.
    First run was around 7m, then 8m, the last one was 9,5m.
    I am getting used to the enrage part it seems.
    Rng is clearly involved, especially at the start and in the end but I enjoy this team much more than this pesky chexmix team.

    As others have stated, daka is necessary for her tm gain.
  • And a big "thanks" to the creator of this team and the people who made it public
    for a bit of enjoyment in the sith raid .