Forum Discussion

Jarpin3786's avatar
Seasoned Rookie
3 days ago

What is happening with Datacrones?

Can you explain to me which of the developers came up with such a bright idea to introduce a tag of neutrals again in the new season of cubes? When there is a separate faction of Spectres. Why do I have to farm a cube for Neutrals to make a Datacron on CLS? Thus, the rest of the rebels from this pack will not receive faction bonuses. The same was the case with Luthen's cube, where neither he nor any RF received faction bonuses unless he was a Rogue. Can any one explain it to me? What should I even do with my Fulcrum cub in Cere pack? When I got the Malicos cub? And I don't have Ahsoka GL... 

  • magoo98395's avatar
    Seasoned Novice

    These cubes used to be highlighting a few toons to do good things in gac, arena and tw and gives some factions advantages. Now its just intended for paying customers to highlight their shiny new toys. 

  • It's in game to get you to rent them for 4 months at a time.  Quality doesn't matter, common sense doesn't matter, functional doesn't matter.  It's all about "shut up and spend money."  The intent is to get players to relic up our entire roster, even if it is only a few at a time because of datacrons and TB.  The accountants that run CG won't be happy until every player has a full R9 roster.

    All of the he/she stuff got switched out because they just choose new characters to copy R9s for each round.  So now everything is "they" to make it easier to copy and paste garbage to the new set of garbage.  That's why dengar and fulcrum have the "gets a bonus attack every time an enemy takes a turn" level 9.  In a couple more sets other characters will get the same thing.

    Not that they'll even read this since they're on Christmas vacation until March, or so.

    • DarjeloSalas's avatar
      Rising Veteran

      Opened this thread to see if you’d commented - wasn’t disappointed! 

      Why would anyone take a unit to r9 for a datacron?

      • chpMINIsolo's avatar
        Seasoned Veteran

        Complains every chance he can about datacrons, yet has 39 level 9 DCs 😂😂😂