"Darth_bane16;c-1185088" wrote:
"DedrickRogue;c-1185076" wrote:
"Darth_bane16;c-1185063" wrote:
"Ikey;c-1185056" wrote:
So I spend a month farming gear pieces for a 5 star toon, only to be out done by a G7, 7 star of the very same toon? Yeah, that sounds **** fantastic. Gear and mods, in most cases are harder to farm than shards. I see no problem with the current situation.
I get it dude doesn't make sense too you, and I'm being super picky but at the top everyone has the best toons max gear and mods all in the same ballpark, and at that level in a mirror match a 6 star DN 5 star thrawn shouldn't be able to beat a full 7 star team with equal gear and mods 99% of the time it should be more around 60% of the time that's all I'm saying.
You're confusing power creep with stars not mattering at all. Those 2 characters specifically can function at non maxed level because their kits are nuts, and neither relies on damage to be crazy effective. As an added bonus they both are recent releases, which tend to be quite a bit tankier then older toons, so a lower star level doesn't hurt them as much.
Also the AI is not so great on D, so especially in a mirror you'll lose because of poor AI decisions.
Bro I agree man but let's claw back to a toon like CUP (lol) all things equal mods and gear why can a 5 star function at the same level as a 7 star? Doesn't make sense, there has to be some factor that distinguishes one players toons from another, and that use to be mods but even those have evened out in the top 20, at the end of the day the only thing that adds any explicitly is the event release toons at higher star level and a 5 star thrawn shouldn't function at the same level as a 7 star givin the difference it takes to get an entire Phoenix squad up to par, just like when the new Luke is released a 7 star should smash a 5 star but I won't
Bro, in this entire wall of words you used literally 1 question mark and 2 commas.
I'm not sure what to say except maybe this isn't the game for you. You seem to want stars to be the determining factor for how toons perform, rather then accept that the game has always been gear>mods>stars. You're saying that a very intentional design decision about how characters upgrade since literally day 1 should be the exact opposite of the way it has always worked. Not only that but drop rates in nodes, and and ease of access to shards vs gear in shops has all been designed around gear being the big gate.
This will NEVER change, the game would literally have to be rebalanced from the ground up.