So I've had time to mess around now, and this is an excellent update one of the best to my memory, people complaining about greed etc are misguided, you now have dedicated energy to farm mods AND upgrade them, this is WAY better than before, this will save credits buying them and cantina energy, and that is just the start; you have great filters for searching, loadouts, slicing and more. I almost fell off my chair today when I farmed only 8 times and got 2 good mods, that never happens (drop rate is usually horrendous), hey RNG, but so nice not to use cantina energy.
The only 2 negatives that I see are the max limit which many are pointing out, and that 4 dot mods and below and blue and especially green mods in general are now worth much less (that green mod with speed had 100% chance to upgrade it, now you have to spend to get mod to tier 12 just to have a 25% only, for 1 example). There was a trade off though, some blue mods that were no good before now have a chance to get and have it upgrade where before it would not.
Overall very happy with this long overdue update thank you CG team @CG_Carrie @CG_SBCrumb Bring on the STR changes, with DN randomness fixed, some less needed challenge gear removed, and hopefully increased credits and gear piece drops game will be a pretty good place (again I recommend not lowering Sion's health P2 is fine, or lower it much less than the others), oh, and yes a legendary or 3 :smile: