Forum Discussion

Cehmybro's avatar
6 years ago

The Problems Plaguing the Game Currently

There are a few problems with the game currently that need addressing. So this is a note to CG on what to focus on moving forward in no particular order
Squad Arena: Remember when Talzin came in during the CLS Meta and was a ridiculous hard counter that shook things up? Most loved the idea of Darth Revan coming to shake up the Meta, but he hasn't. Can he win on offense? Yes he can. However, so can JKR; so, why bother paying to gear his counterpart? Without some "missing piece" he becomes a unique offensive powerhouse and not much more. Which brings me to my next point.
Losing trust in the P2P community: I'm no whale, but such players are necessary for the growth of the game. I spend occasionally, however, after Grievous falling flat, and now Darth Revan being incomplete at best the P2P community is starting to tighten up; taking a wait and see approach before shelling out hundreds for characters that come up short.
CG seems convinced to ignore the key Stat of all toons: It's speed. It has always been speed and despite their efforts with new mechanics like ferocity it will continue to be speed. It's the reason CLS, Han, and chewie remain viable in pvp; Han will always go first. It's why the old JKR is still beating the new Darth Revan, JKR goes first. How do you fix this? Introduce more characters similar to Droideka and buffs like ferocity and/or put a cap on speed enhancements with mods (let's say +150).
No new content to existing game modes: I am personally a HUGE fan of GA and what it brings, but the Sith raid is a year old, we desperately need new TB maps, and TW needs to be freshened up in a dramatic way. Ships are lacking and the addition of the OG Millennium Falcon made it worse, not better.
Other honorable mentions: the power creep (as most of this post relates back to it), the omega crunch, and the severe cuts to the GameChangers program leading to a less informed player base.
I say this as a fan who wants to see the game grow, not a dejected person on their way out. Help us CG, you're our only hope.

9 Replies

  • Might want to catch up to the times.....there are many DR teams that are completely unbeatable by JKR and that will only continue as people learn the proper mod order and and TM order. While I do agree some new raid or similar content would be nice I believe CG hit the darth revan out of the park....beautifully designed kit that doesnt power creep and the ability to win fights in under a minute is devine
  • Do you really believe these teams were their goal? No unbeatable team consists of Darth Revan lead and 100% sith empire. Some of these teams you speak of don't even have all sith or Darth Revan in the leader spot. I love the character and kit, but he was supposed to be the missing piece; not the missing piece that needs just one more missing piece.
  • "Cehmybro;c-1821318" wrote:
    Do you really believe these teams were their goal? No unbeatable team consists of Darth Revan lead and 100% sith empire. Some of these teams you speak of don't even have all sith or Darth Revan in the leader spot. I love the character and kit, but he was supposed to be the missing piece; not the missing piece that needs just one more missing piece.

    Why does the ultimate team have to be 100% sith empire? CG puts out the building blocks and we use them to create the best teams. Having characters from multiple factions in one team is one of the most interesting aspects of the game imo.
  • Actually there are a couple full sith empire teams sitting in my arena that are unbeatable. Granted not many can pull that off but it is possible. Also consider malak is more than likely coming within 3 months or so which (should) bolster the full sith empire teams. Either way I have no problem running bb8 and r2d2 in my team as long as it works and it does
  • Lol DR teams OHKO teams in 20 seconds but are not strong enough..... ok lol..

    New TB maps..... different setting same boring platoon auto same enemys deploy.... same 15 second pointless ship fights.... hopefull new map brings something new to the table otherwise who cares... cept the 2 new toons you will be able to get...

    GA horrible mostly just matchmaking

    Also you say DR is incomplete needs to be stronger( your wrong).... Then you say power creep is hurting game..... wat ?

    Game needs new fresh PVE content that leads somewhere or has a weekly or monthly goal or something.... and Ship PVE

    I dont think whales losing any whatever you called it.... whales would spend if they released jar jar and his basic killed someone on your own team and applied blind to the rest.... addicts gonna addict too... (i know)

    But yeah love the darth revan too weak(hes not) and then the power creep ruining game (it is for me) small sample size tho lol... that gave me whuuut???
  • I feel like OP is looking for automatic win button in place of fulling developing a team understanding mods are the critical piece to PVP success.

    Also, *cough* Malak...
  • "Cehmybro;d-199929" wrote:
    Most loved the idea of Darth Revan coming to shake up the Meta, but he hasn't.

    Did you try to look at the current game state before saying this? Currently DR and JKR have very close numbers in Rank 1 meta report. DR percent is lower in 1-10 and even more in 1-100, but it's just because he is much rarer toon. Also teams breakup shows that there is many more viable variations than in JKR teams. Looking at this, I'd say it's the most successful launch of Hero toon so far - he is highly competitive, allows wide variety of teams and not game-breaking.

    I'd even dare to say that if Darth Malak will come soon and shift meta entirely to Sith Empire it will be worse that current situation.
  • "Kokie;c-1821323" wrote:
    Actually there are a couple full sith empire teams sitting in my arena that are unbeatable. Granted not many can pull that off but it is possible. Also consider malak is more than likely coming within 3 months or so which (should) bolster the full sith empire teams. Either way I have no problem running bb8 and r2d2 in my team as long as it works and it does

    I'm not sure the are currently any unbeatable teams, at least not in my arena yet. We've countered talzin/zombie and any combination of Sion/nihilus/sith empire without even altering our JKR teams.

    We haven't tried the Bb8 + R2/T3 squads yet though.
  • I’m confused by the suggestion. On one hand, you’re suggesting that power creep is a problem (I completely agree here) and that you would like more diversity in arena. On the other hand, you’re asking for Darth Revan teams to be better because they aren’t completely dominating JKR teams...isn’t this just asking for more power creep?

    If anything, the problem with DR and his team is that they are not available enough. My shard is 3 years old and only about 50 people (maybe less) got DR. We have at least 500-700 people that are aggressively active in arena daily. If only 50 people have DR then he won’t do enough to break up the arena.