Forum Discussion

JesseAndersonEA's avatar
9 years ago

The Rancor has been defeated!

Congratulations to NSC Gold for being the first Guild to defeat the Rancor!

Who will be the first Guild to beat tier VI difficulty? Or better yet, the Heroic tier? :)

82 Replies

  • "WenHandel;367606" wrote:
    Just had a weird experience in my guild's first raid today. Tier 5 and we had the first stage 90% complete. Then suddenly the rancor was defeated, raid over, and one of our members was sitting at the top of our ranking with over 21 million in damage. Guild leader has asked the member for an explanation. Unless one of you can tell me this amount of damage in no more than five fights is possible, it doesn't smell good. I looked up the member's squad and he has only seven 7* characters and a few more 5*s - none of them are anything special.

    Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

    The return of the Arena hackers in Raids, one shooting toons, nothing new as I have been defeated in Arena by such hackers.
  • If you have concerns about a player cheating or using a hacked version of the game, please report them via PM to @CG_LucifersDaddy.

    People found using hacked versions of the game will be permanently banned.
