@Vendi1983 @Kisakee
My RangeT is 91/100, so I couldn't use it in the Thrawn Mythic this weekend, but I'll be trying it next time. Even at g9, though, he makes the ITs thrashin'.
I'm guessing you have the Veers zeta, but most folks I know with Zeers already have 7* Starck so I didn't want to assume. Also I can't see your 5th IT up top - who was it? My squad was Zeers, Starck, DT, Snow, Range. I thought about leaving Starck out and going for more offense, but Starck is the quickest IT and if you use Starck's buff it gives everyone else TM and you don't need to have speed on everyone for your whole squad to go first. That ended up being a good decision. I couldn't quite finish my first enemy before the other squad went, but when they started firing the counter-attacks killed them and gave me TM before they could burn through the +30% bonus protection.