"Nauros;c-2365279" wrote:
"Drathuk916;c-2365276" wrote:
"StarSon;c-2365273" wrote:
"Drathuk916;c-2365270" wrote:
So I’m kinda confused. I was expecting datacrons today because of the delays. However, it now looks like it’s next week which is two days after a tb starts and the same day conquest starts. Thought the whole purpose was to avoid introducing the title update while other events were running.
The purpose was to move the PVP events out of the way, because datacrons are PVP oriented. And Conquest was moved because it will (potentially) reward datacrons.
I thought the leak said that datacrons would be active in all game modes? You make a very valid point that it’s more targeted for tw/gac so maybe they’re just not concerned about bugs in the update that disrupt conquest/tb.
Were they ever concerned about bugs in conquest?
Bugs in conquest keep things spicy, keeps you engaged. It's all about engagement.