Forum Discussion

IrritablePelica's avatar
8 years ago

Top-Quality Character Design Possibilityᵀᴹ

As the few of us who have actually noticed that he exist know, URoRRuR'R'R makes no damn sense. The problem here is, he makes no sense and is bad.

I, in my infinite wisdom, have decided that I could make him better by simply taking the concept of 'I don't know, just give him random abilities and hope it works' and turning it up to the Nth degree.

Basic - 'I Saw It In A Movie!'
Attack the target enemy with a random basic ability, taken from any character in the game. This attack does 50% damage, but has a 2% chance to make the enemy feel a lot of pity for URoRRuR'R'R, stunning themselves for 2 turns, unless they are buffed or debuffed, in which case the stun is reduced to 1 turn.

Special - 'That Was The Wrong Button!'
Attack the entire enemy with a random special ability. If that ability is single-target, deal 50% reduced damage but deal the damage and effects (if any) to all enemies (even the dead ones). If the ability is AOE, deal it to both teams. If the ability does no damage, deal half of two random character's current health (allies can be hit by this effect). If the ability is a Tusken's ability, also grant URoRRuR'R'R a buff called Happy. This makes him happy. :)

Special 2 - 'Electric Boogaloo!'
Zap URoRRuR'R'R, putting him at 1hp. Then, deal all of the health lost as damage to a random unit. If that unit is an enemy, the effect bounces to another unit. The effect can keep bouncing if it keeps moving from one team to another.

Special 3 - 'AAAAGH!'
AAAGH! (This ability does something, but no-one knows what).

Unique - 'In Memory Of Some Dead Tusken Dudes'
Every two minutes, everyone except URoRRuR'R'R is reduced to zero turn meter until he has taken two turns. During this time, he gains the ability 'Reminisce', and can only use this ability.

Sneaky-Cheeky Ability - 'Reminisce'
Talk about some dead Tusken. If Jedi Knight Anakin is present, he feels bad. And he should.

I think this would be a balanced and interesting kit that would truly elevate Tusken to the god-like status that their faction deserves to be.

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