Forum Discussion

4nky6hxy7x5f's avatar
2 years ago

New Characters (Princess Kneesaa and Drogan)

What does everyone think about the new characters that will be required for GL Leia? For me personally the idea of having Princess Kneesaa is not really good, but I understand the need to make the Ewoks a lifter which I'm really excited for. As for Drogan (or Drogin I don't know how to spell it) I don't like the idea of CG just creating a new character, especially when they could have taken one of the rebel soldiers who have no name or backstory that were actually on Endor in the movie, or even cooler they could have made Endor Captain Rex which would be awesome. Any way what does the community think about these new additions to the swgoh universe?
  • We have just received Captain Rex. Also, Drogan isn't the first CG-Original character, they released 50R-T as an original character. I'd need to know more about Drogan to decide where I stand.
  • I know we just got Captain Rex and they don't add double characters at the same time I just thought it would be cool since Captain Rex participating in the battle of Endor is an old Star Wars fan legend
  • Which could be cool. She could be a boost for Rebels, Phoenix, or uniglined force users
  • As long as Ewoks can longer be solo’s by nest. Kneesaa needs to fix that issue or they will still be underwhelming. I suspect Kneesaa will provide a new leadership that changes Ewoks from a tm driven squad to something else. If troopers are having trouble finding a place, Ewoks will too if they remain tm focused