8 years ago
The point of any mobile game, nay, any game, is to have fun. However, to have fun, there is a vital element that must be in place, trust. Lately, the trust between the players and its; developers has dwindled to an all time low for many, many reasons.
There is an ingrained trait in every human to distrust greed and deceit. Unfortunately, this is all that the player base is beginning to see from this game. There are the good times, the 2nd year anniversary rewards that garnered a record high praise and the players began to believe that things would begin to change for the better. Alas, since the players have received their free zeta, carbanti's, stun cuffs and guns, there has been numerous incidents that have caused many players to feel disenfranchised with the game and those who run it.
Among the many reasons include:
-TW changes, that to some, have ruined the most enjoyable part of the game to cater to the top 2% , huge GP mismatches some as high as 64 million
-Numerous TB issues such as; reduction in frequency leading to a reduction in gear/shards. Removal of key characters such as Baze without a clear announcement (I am aware it was clarified on page 5 of a buried thread found here: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/146923/we-ever-find-out-about-baze-and-sabine-officially/p5), A promise in time reduction that has not happened for LS, and the many issues that have been stated with DS.
-The Sith Raid:
The challenge gear in rewards, the reintroduction of tiered rewards, the handling of the STH situation etc.
- Many bugs (Chimera event for example), mod management, QOL requests such as multiple bronzium openings having gone ignored.
- A general lack of transparency from the devs on important topics such as event calenders. I understand that the profits generated from this game come from a "panic farm" tactic, but also understand that this causes a breakdown in trust when no legendary events appear on the calender. Everyone knows that there will be a legendary event at some point within that month, but hiding the dates just makes the players not trust the developers.
- Censorship of the Forum:
This is THE BIGGEST cause of mistrust between the players and the developers at this moment in time. The players no longer feel that they have a voice. Any thread that even slightly paints the game in a negative light is instantly removed or moved many sub-folders deep, never to be found or seen. Winston Churchill once said "Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things". How can one know what wound to treat if it cannot be found. These posts that are removed are important to players, if they were not they wouldn't spend the time writing them. To see them moved or removed makes them feel as they are not being listened to and respected. Disrespect leads to distrust, distrust leads to anger, and anger leads to players no longer enjoying a game they love that you have worked so hard on, and this leads to uninstalling.
I hope this is general enough for general discussion
There is an ingrained trait in every human to distrust greed and deceit. Unfortunately, this is all that the player base is beginning to see from this game. There are the good times, the 2nd year anniversary rewards that garnered a record high praise and the players began to believe that things would begin to change for the better. Alas, since the players have received their free zeta, carbanti's, stun cuffs and guns, there has been numerous incidents that have caused many players to feel disenfranchised with the game and those who run it.
Among the many reasons include:
-TW changes, that to some, have ruined the most enjoyable part of the game to cater to the top 2% , huge GP mismatches some as high as 64 million
-Numerous TB issues such as; reduction in frequency leading to a reduction in gear/shards. Removal of key characters such as Baze without a clear announcement (I am aware it was clarified on page 5 of a buried thread found here: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/146923/we-ever-find-out-about-baze-and-sabine-officially/p5), A promise in time reduction that has not happened for LS, and the many issues that have been stated with DS.
-The Sith Raid:
The challenge gear in rewards, the reintroduction of tiered rewards, the handling of the STH situation etc.
- Many bugs (Chimera event for example), mod management, QOL requests such as multiple bronzium openings having gone ignored.
- A general lack of transparency from the devs on important topics such as event calenders. I understand that the profits generated from this game come from a "panic farm" tactic, but also understand that this causes a breakdown in trust when no legendary events appear on the calender. Everyone knows that there will be a legendary event at some point within that month, but hiding the dates just makes the players not trust the developers.
- Censorship of the Forum:
This is THE BIGGEST cause of mistrust between the players and the developers at this moment in time. The players no longer feel that they have a voice. Any thread that even slightly paints the game in a negative light is instantly removed or moved many sub-folders deep, never to be found or seen. Winston Churchill once said "Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things". How can one know what wound to treat if it cannot be found. These posts that are removed are important to players, if they were not they wouldn't spend the time writing them. To see them moved or removed makes them feel as they are not being listened to and respected. Disrespect leads to distrust, distrust leads to anger, and anger leads to players no longer enjoying a game they love that you have worked so hard on, and this leads to uninstalling.
I hope this is general enough for general discussion