Forum Discussion

ramzy-go's avatar
6 years ago

TW droid unstable batteries messed up our strategy

By now we know that there was some sort of error in the text describing the current TW droid buff. The original forum post as well as the in game details stated clearly:" Whenever a droid is Defeated (i.e. defeated by unstable batteries or killed by attack) he deaks 80% damage and burns all enemies etc...

Our guild drew its strategy based on this clear description, and we decided to use all our droids on Offense under various squads. Because that meant whenever a droid dies he is dealing big damage. So even undergeared droids would be useful.
But as we started our TW, we noticed that none of that was happening. Then we learned about the Mistake in the text.
Now our entire strategy is in shambles. Since we set our Defenses and our Offensive plans revolving around this understanding of the buffs.

Mistakes do happen to all of us. (To some more often than others, but I digress). Therefore I request from the devs to allocate first place rewards to all parties of all TW battles as a compensation for time wasted planning based on wrong information given to us by the game.
I see this as the only fair approach to fix this mistake. Everybody wins. CG will not die if they gave 1 additional zeta and a bunch of extra gear to everyone who took part in TW.
  • Tiy could have left the "our strategy" part out of the thread titke, and it woukd have been just as accurate.
  • They didn't fix it. Our guild just tried it in today's TW and nothing happened. Come on CG! This was already reported!