TW matchmaking does not work at all.
20% additional GM = double amount of g12 at minimum plus most likely double zetas (thats pointless battle)
This matchmaking makes the opposite of what TW should be - a fight. It makes the whole shit tw to a random farce. We won 15/16 against opponents being mostly 10%-15% higher than us. But to fight against some elite guilds who drop before tw some members just to swipe through your plate and having still 30%+ more gm while doing so is a blatant joke. I cannot understand how 160m guilds can fight vs 110m guilds, with 7s trayas - what for matchmaking is that?
TW reward should ALWAYS be based on the matched guild. At least your instant loose is than compensated. Makes anyways no sense to be based on your guild gm when the other got 30% more and even when they loose they get MORE than you? Anyone noticed this too yet?
If you win TW against way higher gm guild they get more as looser than you as winner? How schizophren is that please?
80 event = 1 piece of g12
110m guild gets as winner 2 zetas + 1400 event + minimum 2*5 pieces g12
140m guild gets as looser 2 zetas + 1300 event + minimum 2*6 pieces g12 more...
160m guild gets as looser 2 zetas + 1350 event + minimum 2*7 pieces g12 much more...
Sense? Nope!
Bad reward system if you have such terrible matchmaking. I guess you copy pasted this to sith raid - oh wait yes you did.
This game could be great, but its in many places just bad thought and designed. The graphics i like, star wars i like, tb is fine...but heck sith raid is bad playable and unfun, tw matchmaking is unfun, fleet is unfun and the non stop flood of 300dollar chars is unfun too - get more creative. And make sense in your doings and reward systems. And I am certainly not a ftp player.