3 years ago
TW MM numbers
I made this overview of registered oponents GP vs our registered GP (only participating players). We have an average of -28M since the 28 of Jan. We are in 2 consecutive matches with -60M. We almos...
"dogwelder79;c-2366319" wrote:"Jos33680;c-2366056" wrote:
We are at 14W vs 5L on this period.
We had no GP increase since end of march because of people left or were less motivated.
Currently, it is not sure to obtain R9 in this GP bracket (we have to win vs stronger guilds) while +60M guilds will win 4 R9 easily against us ... we are happy for them :)
As a lot of other guilds in our situation, how can we progress in this context ?
If we win vs bigger guilds then we should at least be rewarded with the oponent guild category rewards. Or create a system of ladder as in GAC with equal rewards depending of the ranking.
This system of current MM + GP reward bracket is absurd an counter productive.
14W - 5L. You win a lot. Therefore, matchmaking is good.