5 years ago
TW Sandbagging issue
the TW matchmaking is a problem. a lot of guilds exploits this matchmaking, sandbagging, going with less players, and enjoy easier fights. it shouldn't happen. I'm not sure if you are now realizing t...
"DarjeloSalas;c-2115399" wrote:
2) I’m not going to make a claim involving numbers, but I just do not accept that members leaving the 240-299M guilds during TW to help a small guild is a thing. Like, at all.
I always check swgoh.gg when we find out our opponent. So does most everyone else. If leaving guilds during TW to merc was a thing, why on earth does swgoh.gg always show the opposing guilds as full? Why do discord bots always say the guilds have 49 or 50 members?
Sorry - this is fantasy.