Forum Discussion

thomssi1970's avatar
7 years ago

TW Stats

Would it be possible to add some more stats, even if only for officers.

We (and I suspect a number of guilds) have issues with freeloaders. We likely mostly know who they are but with moves in and out and timezones so not all in game at the same time....

If you post def you see points. If you fail attack you see nothing unless you happen to notice attack going on in game. Be useful to know who tried and maybe contributed by chipping down a tough team without managing to win so they get credit (I mean by guild members not banners).

At the moment there is no way to tell difference between one guy who posted one def to get rewards then did nothing and another who posted one def but was primarily attack focussed and threw a bunch of teams at horrible def walls and someone else knocked them off when their contributions were in reality entirely different.

Other stuff like knowing defensive holds would be nice info but more interested in gauging guild activities which I guess wold be fairly easy info to show.

  • +1. We need to see who attacked what with what. Same on defence really. Hard to tell how a team did unless you happen to see it before it gets totally killed
  • Hi, I have this same problem and have also posted for the Devs to let us see who has lost battles so we can manage and cleanse our guild accordingly. It's a massive hindrance.

    Let's hope they see our posts and give us the tool we need