Forum Discussion

BarrysCoffee's avatar
6 years ago

TW Stats and Rankings

I and some guild mates were discussing the rankings for guilds in TW which currently comprises two stats - guild GP and total GP defeated. The problem is that neither really measures the success of a guild in GP.

We brainstormed a couple of other measures of success. The first and most obvious is a W-L record. However, this would not be a complete statistic given prior complaints of discrepancies in guild size that had previously been made. Another suggestion would be guild differential per win/loss. An easy enough calculation, this could would be measured by (guild GP - enemy GP) divided by wins and a separate stat for losses. GP could be measured by either total GP or active GP. This would account for the discrepancies in guild sizes.

Another statistic would be the efficiency of a guild per TW. This could be easily measured one of two ways. The easiest would be the total banners earned divided by the total banners available. This would show how effective a guild was in winning battles across all territories and would, essentially, disregard GP. The more accurate measure would be number of wins divided by number of attempts. Where the first measure does show some efficiency, the problem is that the 3rd win would count equally as the 40th as long as the surviving units are the same. The second method is more accurate but has its own flaws in that it doesn't measure the number of units used.

Regardless, because TW pits guild against guild it makes more sense to have a ranking system more akin to sports. Thus, a leader board that measures wins, losses, GP differential per win/loss, and efficiency would be a better measure of a guild's abilities in TW.
  • I was just saying earlier. I defeated 14 teams on defence using only 3 teams. Yet im at the bottom of the rankings as i only deployed 3 teams.
    Why not get banners for successful defences you do on attack.
  • I need to see if people are even attacking. You can only see victories, not attempts. People are accused of slacking because of this when they simply lost their battles.