Forum Discussion

FireyRei's avatar
4 years ago

Unbeatable teams

According to anyone's roster, there are always opposing teams that you have ZERO chance of beating. For example, I have nothing at all capable of beating a Darth Revan team with Malak with a power over 110k(ish), even with a 105k DR-led team my best has great difficulty. There are other teams as well, of course, that I simply cannot beat unless much lower power than my teams. But as you all know, it's highly unlikely to be matched in a Grand Arena with 'much lower' powered teams.

My issue really lies with Grand Arena and losing battles stacking up. For example, I just led the best teams I had remaining against a Mother Talzin, Zombie, and Asaaj team 12 times. Yes, I just lost it, wanted to prove a point that there are too often teams you have NOTHING to fight against them. The first five of the teams I put in were somewhat capable, not unable to beat that team, yet were literally useless, followed by obviously useless ones after that, feeling zero enjoyment.

How about this? With each fight on defence, the defenders not only keep the health left over from the previous battle, but also begin to lose power as well? The point is: for entertainment value leading to a win, there remains a loss in numbers sent in and points lost with every sequential attack, BUT! In the end, you actually beat that team even if the reward is 10 points for example. And with that win, finally, you have at LEAST a sense of victory even at great cost/loss to points. I don't care if I am rewarded 0 points for beating that MT-led team, or Revan whatever, I simply want to see that team fall in order to progress to something else, in order to somehow actually enjoy this mode of gameplay.

I frequently face superior foes, frequently meet 'designed players' with low GP and amazing Meta teams, and frequently end up gaining the lower or lowest prizes. I don't mind this: what I mind ultimately is being consistently unable to defeat a team, consistently face teams that even with my best, I have ZERO chance of beating.

There MUST be some way of better balancing gameplay here.
  • Setting teams that can potentially stop your opponents from clearing the board is also part of the strategy.

    If you fail to beat a team, you don't only lose the banners you would get for that specific battle, but also the scoring value of the zone the team's placed in (or if it's in the front, the entire zone behind it).

    It's perfectly fine that you can't just zerg down a team with anything left at the expense of another 10-20 banners.
  • What you suggest, @Kameleonic, could change the outcome of a round. It could also change the balance between squads and fleets. F.ex. it would be easier to reduce the power of a squad since you have lots of characters to throw at it until it's weakened enough for you to beat it, but it would be harder to reduce the power of a fleet because you don't have many extra capital ships. Neither would be fair. Your opponent invested in that"unbeatable" team. They deserve the advantage.

    If you want a chance at beating those "unbeatable" teams you should learn how to counter them and build the counter
    teams. If you want a chance to beat those "well-rounded rosters" you should improve your own roster.

  • "Kameleonic;d-238244" wrote:
    According to anyone's roster, there are always opposing teams that you have ZERO chance of beating.


    "Kameleonic;d-238244" wrote:
    For example, I have nothing at all capable of beating a Darth Revan team with Malak with a power over 110k(ish), even with a 105k DR-led team my best has great difficulty.

    I have beaten numerous DR squads up to 150k with my 112k DR squad.

    "Kameleonic;d-238244" wrote:
    There are other teams as well, of course, that I simply cannot beat unless much lower power than my teams.

    That is a problem with you not understanding the game.

    "Kameleonic;d-238244" wrote:
    But as you all know, it's highly unlikely to be matched in a Grand Arena with 'much lower' powered teams.

    You are matched on roster investment. How you build and deploy that roster is up to you.
  • Rath,

    How is it false that I have nothing to beat certain teams?! I have no DR or even Revan, my best squad of all being Vadar, Palp, Thrawn, Nihilus, and Sion: 142k power.

    At this very moment about to run against a DR led 114k power team. Hold on...

    4:14 ended. I took out his Sith Trooper. All my guys ended. And that is not even a 'great' opponent. The same goes for choosing a Padme led team. Seriously, if my team is losing most of the time against these guys then how would I fair against Legendary teams like Rei? NO chance. False?! How on any planet is having unbeatable opposing teams false?!

    I have never in on and off, I mean off quite a bit, the past 5 years since this game started ever gone above rank 250: no, I refused the cash grab Revan when he came out, and I am very much against the borderline criminal prices for things you have no ownership of. I choose to create teams I want, not what the fanboys or hardcore types dictate. Regardless, it does not negate the fact that there is absolute imbalance in this game.

  • "Kameleonic;c-2194553" wrote:
    How is it false that I have nothing to beat certain teams?!

    That's a different claim than the one from your OP.

    "Kameleonic;c-2194553" wrote:

    I have no DR or even Revan, my best squad of all being Vadar, Palp, Thrawn, Nihilus, and Sion: 142k power.

    At this very moment about to run against a DR led 114k power team. Hold on...

    4:14 ended. I took out his Sith Trooper. All my guys ended. And that is not even a 'great' opponent. The same goes for choosing a Padme led team. Seriously, if my team is losing most of the time against these guys then how would I fair against Legendary teams like Rei? NO chance. False?! How on any planet is having unbeatable opposing teams false?!

    May I suggest that you learn how to counter Sith Empire teams? Use your counters instead of throwing random teams against them. F.ex. you could gear/mod your Padme team to beat them.
    It seems like you assume that GP is a measure of how strong teams are compared to each other - it isn't.

    "Kameleonic;c-2194553" wrote:

    I have never in on and off, I mean off quite a bit, the past 5 years since this game started ever gone above rank 250: no, I refused the cash grab Revan when he came out, and I am very much against the borderline criminal prices for things you have no ownership of. I choose to create teams I want, not what the fanboys or hardcore types dictate. Regardless, it does not negate the fact that there is absolute imbalance in this game.

    So, it's by your own choice that you don't want to build a team that beats Sith Empire yet you complain?