Forum Discussion

Mephisto_style's avatar
6 years ago

Understanding Padme lead and Courage.

In the event, fighting with say Genosians
Brood attacks GK and all assist.
GK gets 40% Protection Up because he was out of turn attacked.
Now GK when GK gets his turn he turns the 40% protection into 8 stacks of Courage, and use 5 of those stacks to attack with damage = to 40% of target's max health?

With a team of Genosian's equalizing this doesn't seem to bad at first thought, but with Brood Alpha leading every single attack will be assisted. That means every attack from the GR team will be doing these 40% max health attacks. Assuming you have the Brute... bah tired of thinking about this
  • If Padme has her unique zeta then the protection up (40%) from enemies attacking out of turn can't be dispelled, so it isn't turned into courage. That 40% protection will get "refreshed" on all of your Geo's turns thanks to the assist mechanism, so attacking Padme with bugs is probably not a great idea.