8 years ago
Version update 11/22 MEGA
Territory Wars and Battles Schedule of Events
Also this week brings the Prelude to Territory Wars event series. In this event, players will be exposed to different, powerful defensive squads to start prepping for the first Territory Wars.
There will be unique events for players at levels 20-39, 40-59, 60-69, 70-79, and players 80-85 will get two event tiers.
Remember that Territory Wars are for players 65+, so get leveling if you want to participate in the full event! Completing Daily Activities every day is a great way to increase your Player Level quickly.
Be on the lookout for this event in the run up to our first Territory Wars!
Territory Wars and Territory Battles Scheduling
Starting on November the 22nd, players will receive the first newsletter about Territory Wars and the Prelude to Territory Wars event will start.
As announced previously, we are also releasing a new Dark Side Territory Battle. Imperial Retaliation (the new Dark Side Territory Battle) will start November 23rd and run through November the 28th. The first Territory Wars will start on November 28th, beginning with a 24-hour preview phase. As long as there are no issues, the second Territory Wars should start on December 1st.
Until the end of the year, our plan is to run a Territory Battle and then run two Territory Wars with at least a day in between each. We will be alternating Territory Battles between Rebel Assault and Imperial Retaliation for the forseeable future.
Note: Until the new Territory War client is released, you may see the “Imperial Invasion” Territory Battle scheduled for Thursday, November 23rd. This will be updated to Imperial Retaliation when all of the data has propagated.
Territory Wars
Get prepared for the ultimate Guild vs. Guild showdown, Territory Wars, a new guild event that pits your Guild and collection against other Guilds and their collections for the true test of who is on top!
- Prepare your territories for invasion by setting defenses
- Conquer enemy territories as you annihilate their defenses
- Use all new Guild Leader/Officer commands to direct your guildmates in both Territory Wars and Battles
- Climb the leaderboard and show the world your guild's power
- Anticipate regular changes in the future to keep gameplay varied and exciting! These could include unique unit bonuses and Platoon Missions.
To read more details about Territory Wars, please read our post on the Territory Wars Overview Character Kit Reveals: Colonel Starck, Imperial Probe Droid, Wampa.
Double Drops!
Make mine a double. In celebration of the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes 2nd anniversary, please enjoy global double drops from 11/24/17 to 11/25/17! Also, be sure to check your inbox on November 22nd for a special gift from the Galaxy of Heroes team (Please note this will not be live until Client Restart)!
25% Crystal Promotion
In celebration of Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes' 2nd anniversary, for a limited time, get 25% more Crystals on select crystal bundles in the store! Limited one time purchase per bundle. This promotion begins November 22nd
The following Characters are now available in the following areas:
- Smuggler Chewbacca - Cantina 8-F
- Smuggler Han - Cantina 8-G
- Mother Talzin- Chromium Packs
In addition, the PvE Shipment tables have been updated! PvE Shipments now offer a wider array of gear & characters, and now have ship blueprints available for the first time.
Pack and bundle details coming soon!
We have added a variety of guild leader/officer tools that should significantly help with coordination of both Territory Battles and Territory Wars. For more in depth information, please see our post <
As we introduce more Elder features, it has become clear that steps need to be taken to reduce the time commitment in other areas of the game. This is a continuing discussion, but we have taken the following actions as a first step:
- Territory Wars will not be occurring at the same time as Territory Battles
- Galactic War Difficulty: We currently scale the difficulty of Galactic War opponents with the player’s best squad, however only scale rewards up to Level 85. We are now capping the difficulty of opponent squads around the power of players who have just reached level 85. This should make Galactic War far easier to complete for elder players.
- Challenge Timers: The cooldown for challenge timers has been reduced from 10 minutes to 2 minutes for level 85 players.
- Some changes have been made to Daily Activities to improve the player experience:
- The dailies associated with training a character and equipping a piece of gear will now end at player level 40
- The daily for upgrading a mod will be available from player level 50 - 59.
- When these dailies are removed, their rewards are added to "Daily Activities Completion"
- The dailies associated with training a character and equipping a piece of gear will now end at player level 40
- Completed Missions: A consistency pass was done to ensure that all missions that have been completed have grey bases to indicate completion. This includes Platoon Missions that have 6/6 filled platoons filled and deploy missions that are at 3 stars.
- Map Navigation: A few changes have been made to make map zoom navigation in Territory Battles and Territory Wars more intuitive.
- Push Notifications: Players will receive a push notification when a Territory Battle or Territory War is available.
- Enemy Targeting: In some situations it was difficult to target or view buff details on certain enemies or apply buffs to allies. To improve all these situations, the UI element containing health/protection/turn meter/buffs can now be tapped to select a unit. It will also be easier to see unit buff details on long press.
- Grouping Status Effects: To reduce clutter from multiple active buffs/debuffs on a character, they will now be consolidated and a count will be displayed
- Platoon Mission Active Abilities: To ensure that all players notice the active platoon ability button in combat, it has been moved to near the other attack abilities.
- Platoon Mission Icons: The platoon mission icons now display the platoons special ability
- Platoon Mission details: To clarify which territories are affected by a Platoon Mission ability, a map now displays which territories are affected by the platoon's ability. In addition the platoon’s ability is displayed on the details screen so it can be accessed more quickly.
- Abilities Affecting Territory: To clarify which abilities are affecting combat on a specific territory, abilities that affect a territory are now displayed when viewing a combat mission, special mission, or fortification mission. Blue borders are ally abilities, red borders are enemy abilities, and gold borders apply to both sides.
- Saving Combat Mission Progress: To mitigate the loss of Territory Points when experiencing a crash during a Combat Mission, we are now crediting Territory Points earned up to the point of the crash.
- Activity Log Messages: will now persist after a territory has been completed.
- Keyboard Bindings: To enable easier interaction for players using a keyboard, we have added a setting to display a letter associated with each potential action in combat.
- Boba Fett: : “Dead or Alive” Turn Meter Gain from Thermal Detonator explosion can no longer be Resisted.
- Cad Bane: “Hunter’s Reflexes” will now grant correct amount of Turn Meter on Encounters 2+.
- Emperor Palpatine: “Emperor of the Galactic Empire” will now apply Potency and Dodge Down on Encounters 2+
- Hoth Rebel Scout: Fixed an issue with "Hope of the Alliance" where the Turn Meter gained from defeating an enemy could be resisted.
- Kanan Jarrus: ZETA upgrade of “Total Defense” will now grant Turn Meter to ally who loses Foresight.
- Nightsister Acolyte: "Sacrifical Magicks" will now have a chance to dispel all debuffs on herself and will now prioritize Nightsister allies who have a debuff.
- Old Daka: "Serve Again" will no longer trigger after Old Daka is defeated.
- Qui-Gon Jinn: Fixed back-end performance issue caused by Qui-gon Jin's leader ability.
- Fixed issue where protection buffs would be persisted as base protection upon completion of a battle in galactic war.
- Fixed some Territory Battle effects that were not playing their sounds.
- Ion Cannon Platoon ability did not mention that it affects Phase 6 Imperial Fleet Staging Area
- 2X icon from Cantina Battles was overlapping with Double drop text "Bonus Rewards" from the main menu screen on 4:3 aspect ratio screens
- Not all characters that required a piece of gear were being displayed when tapping on it
- Engaging in a Territory Battle Combat Mission was replacing the player’s squad in Cantina Battles
- Star requirement on UNITS tab of raid details did not match actual star requirement
- Promoting a unit was causing the star animation to light up one star higher than it should
- Ships could become unselectable due to ships swaying in front of each other. This not 100% fixed, but has vastly improved
- AT-AT Assault can no longer be counter attacked.
- Titles for "Challenges", "Events", and "Mod Battles" have been capitalized.
- In some instances, a pre-made squad in Squad Select that was deleted would reappear on client restart.
- Retreating from ship combat when a max health buff is on a dead unit was causing a crash.
- When multiple units are sorted by a filter (ex. Rarity, Level, Gear Tier, Power, etc) and those units have equal values, the units are sorted alphabetically.
- In some instances where damage over time was applied, the damage numbers would remain on screen.
- In inbox messages, such as Guild Activity rewards, the rewards would occasionally overlap the text.
- The guild chat icon was not functioning in the instance that the preview of the leader’s banner message was displayed.
- If Hermit Yoda was the last unit in the opponent’s Galactic War team and escapes from the battle, the player could not progress.
- Pending guild invites were counting toward the guild’s Galactic Power.
- When returning to the Cantina when the “Activate Character” prompt is about to display, the daily activities could be pressed very quickly to overlap the two elements
- Units defeated with Deathmark in Phase 1 of the Rancor Raid could be revived in the next encounter.
- In some instances of Raids, damage numbers would stop displaying.
- Now the “Join a guild” request is cancelled when a player joins another guild.
- When first installing a game on an Android device, if the player has already logged into a Google + account, the “Already have an account?” button will no longer display.
- Some players were receiving many duplicate push notifications.
- In situations where a unit died and was revived, the star count showed less than 3 stars but the node could be simmed. Now the star count is based on the number of units remaining at the end of battle regardless of revive.
- The props on the guild home table (ex. Rancor) would sometimes not display and the label beneath would sometimes be inaccurate.
- Fix for popup message not displaying for credits button in the Dark Side and Light Side missions.
- The guild text box will no longer overlap with ability buttons in combat.
- Using the back button while promoting a unit will no longer cause the game to crash.
"The belonging you seek is not behind you... it is ahead."