Forum Discussion

Zythor29's avatar
Rising Newcomer
3 months ago

Wee bit o guidance?
My goal for this game is not to be the best in my shard, or to get everything with the best efficiency possibly. I just want to see my favorite people from SW knock things silly. If I could play as Ezra or Kanan in BF2 I would be playing that.

That being said, I have a couple things I need help with.

Now, I have read everything I possibly can, and have gleaned a few things from it. Such as using my crystals to refresh Energy, not nodes, using Mk1 raid tokens for Credits, and other general tips. I try not to waste credits on things I am not working on or dont need, Speed is King etc etc. I also have full allies that are almost all long lived players.

But I am, unfortunately, 'special', as well as spoiled for choice. Too much things I *can* go for, but I have no idea what would be best to ensure I do not hit a wall. I also cannot watch a video and absorb its information. If I could get some simple, succinct tips on how to proceed, it would be appreciated.

Should I focus more on Dark Side now? Do I focus on clearing all the nodes like in Warframe before doing anything else? How can I increase my Fleet faster, as I currently am stuck on 2-E battle? Is my current Phoenix team good? Have I made decent progress as a f2p account who just started on the 7th of October?

Main issue I have currently that is preventing progress is Credits and Ship Credits.

Sometimes its thrilling playing a long existing game, and other times its overwhelming. This is a bit o both. Preemptive thanks to those who help.

Current Progress:

Level 73, Light Side: Normal, Hard 3 stars up to 8. Dark Side: Normal up to 7, Hard up to 6. Cantina 6, Mod 8, Mod Battles: Three stars on all until Offense T3, can only do T2 past that. Fleet stuck on 2-E

I posted on the Reddit, but also here to increase likelyhood of tips and tricks and guidance. 

  • Not sure if I can link here but worth googling one of the f2p guides on You Tube as many of the popular and successful creators have 2nd f2p accounts. 

    From what I've watched AhnaldT101s 2nd account videos had some pretty impressive progress, iirc he swiftly (well relatively) got Executor and SEE which is a great start for f2p. His f2p playlist is called "New Player + F2P Galaxy of Heroes". From your link it seems you may have the basis for how many and him started in that you've got Phoenix and Empire at the start.

    Regarding the credits bottleneck its tough early on but will naturally disappear as you progress, happy to be corrected but they (like a lot of early game resources) just need to be carefully spent, then as your various income streams improve one day you'll find they aren't a bottleneck at all and you have a huge excess.

  • Welcome to the game. Glad you are here! Here's a few tips. In the beginning, focus on just a few (one or two) teams. One light side, one dark. I would recommend Phoenix for light (Hera, Kanaan, Rex, Chopper, Zeb/Sabine). For the dark side, do an empire/imperial trooper team. You can get an Imp team pretty easily (either Iden or Veers teams). Iden might be easier in the beginning Iden (L), Magma, Shore, Snow, and Death. Then once your phoenix can get 7 start Palp and Thrawn, I would go for a Palp, Vader, Thrawn, Tarkin, Storm/Royal Guard.

    After that, I would branch out to Bounty Hunters (Bossk and his ship especially), and maybe start working on CLS. CLS will take a bit since you will need BH for Chewie and Ewoks for C3PO, but the team is amazing in multiple environments. Also, get a fleet going. Early game, go for Mace's ship and get a galactic republic team going. Jedi Anakin and ship, Snips plus ship, Plo - ship, Fives - ship. Those 4 are good starters. You could also go for Tarkin's ship and Geonosian ships (all around good team and ships).

    If you've followed all of that, I would highly recommend watch any of Nooch2gud youtube videos about 2024 farming guides. Calvin Awesome is good and Anhald has a decent one. Good luck and may the force be with you.