Forum Discussion

DfnitelyNotSikh's avatar
7 years ago

Weekly dev/news report (Featuring content from Reddit, the Forum and Answer HQ)

Hello everybody,

Since we've been getting a lot of dev feedback lately, I've decided to gather everything I could find and make a big thread here for everyone interested.

This covers devs and CM comments from Reddit, the official Forums and the EA Answer HQ.

Here we go:

- hiddenspring84 confirmed that buff/debuff stacking (seen in Hermit Yoda's kit reveal) is coming in the next client update (these are the ones from the App Store/Google Play Store). Exact date is yet unknown, but Soon™!

- The "damage numbers are stuck on the screen in raids" bug will also be fixed in the next client update.

- CG is aware of the Raid Tickets counter bug and is working on it. However, this is a rather low-priority issue (apparently) and will probably take some time.

- Some might have seen screenshots of Japanese players being able to purchase packs with Zetas in them. That was "*not an intended feature*", and the packs have since been pulled out of the store. Likely an internal communication issue.

- In Mother Talzin's reveal post, 6° and 7° mods can be seen. Kozi confirmed that these mods are NOT coming "this year". This means that they haven't ruled out the possibility of adding them in the game next year.

- CapGasp said that the BB8 bug in the Separatist Assault Battle event will be fixed at some point in the future, but not soon. Expect to see the bug again in the next instance of the event. (For anyone not knowing, BB8's Covert Data Transfer also reduces the cooldown of the event skill, "Stand Aside", allowing him to use Illuminated Destiny easily.)

- The new Secrets and Shadows event saw the introduction of a new buff in the game: "Health Steal Up". It grants +20% LS (additive). Whether this new buff will be used in a character's kit in the future is unknown.

- In case you missed it, Rey has been re-named Scavenger Rey, hinting at a new version of her coming in the near future (Possibly a lightsaber-wielding Rey).

- The latest update patch note contained a hint at a new character incoming: "An old foe reveals their true face". In my opinion, this is going to be Agent Kallus (Fulcrum). Other popular theories are Unmasked Kylo Ren and TCW/Rebels Darth Maul.

- An in-game survey is currently being conducted. One part is about CLS's perceived power level. Need more details on that. It seems to be randomly distributed, so not everyone will get it.

- CG_RyDiggs answered a few questions on the recent NS rework:

If NS Initiate is attacked at full health but drops below full health during the attack, she will still retain 100% counter chance AND will have the bonus 100% Offense from her unique, making her a real threat when she has no protection.

Asajj's stacking bonuses persist through death

Asajj's and Daka's stacking bonuses are reset at the end of an encounter, which means after each wave or Raid phase.

So that about sums it up. If you have any question feel free to ask me!
  • Great job - tremendous! Thanks.

    Just to be clear - so Rampage on Ventress will not stack in a DS TB across multiple waves? So after waves 1-5, in wave 6 it all is lost? That's a HUGGGGE bummer and makes me wonder what the point of that zeta is than. A few stacks in arena isn't going to do much. That screamed "awesome PVE endurance zeta" but....what's the use for it now?
  • "JohnnySteelAlpha;c-1321538" wrote:
    Great job - tremendous! Thanks.

    Just to be clear - so Rampage on Ventress will not stack in a DS TB across multiple waves? So after waves 1-5, in wave 6 it all is lost? That's a HUGGGGE bummer and makes me wonder what the point of that zeta is than. A few stacks in arena isn't going to do much. That screamed "awesome PVE endurance zeta" but....what's the use for it now?

    That appears to be the case, yes.
  • At least it persists through Death. All things considered though, it's still quite effective under a zTalzin lead when every sister's basic is potentially resurrecting someone who will shortly die again. Between zTalzin and NS Zombie, I imagine that it won't be uncommon for Daka and Asajj both to gain a considerable amount of health from these abilities during an average arena match. In a raid however, these abilities will be absolutely bonkers. If played right, I suppose it could be entirely possible for zDaka to hit numbers around +1000% health during various phases of HAAT.

    If possible, that would also mean roughly around +500% health, and +1500% offense and crit chance for zAsajj.
  • "Spyda;c-1322171" wrote:
    At least it persists through Death. All things considered though, it's still quite effective under a zTalzin lead when every sister's basic is potentially resurrecting someone who will shortly die again. Between zTalzin and NS Zombie, I imagine that it won't be uncommon for Daka and Asajj both to gain a considerable amount of health from these abilities during an average arena match. In a raid however, these abilities will be absolutely bonkers. If played right, I suppose it could be entirely possible for zDaka to hit numbers around +1000% health during various phases of HAAT.

    If possible, that would also mean roughly around +500% health, and +1500% offense and crit chance for zAsajj.

    Except that the Tank will enrage before that and end the encounter by one-shotting everyone.
    These numbers can't really happen.