Forum Discussion

RecentEffort's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 hours ago

Dengar ship is going to make me quit!

I spent well over a year working on profundity and now leviathan only to have one ship nullify all that work. Now I wasted a year building profundity to have a ship that can't beat anything. A 3 Dengar ship with a 5 exec destroyed my fully complete profundity. Thanks CG you ruined this game for me. I expect a response or I'm done. Dengar's ship better be nerfed. Or profundity upgraded to obliterate executor or I'm out. Check my account, I've spent some $ on this game. No more. I give you till the 20th or I'm gone. Hate on me, don't care. But this is why I hate the gatcha gaming industry. 212-299-513 ally code. Might not be much, but it's a good bit of cash you won't have.

  • This is some top shelf complaining. CG doesn’t always get it right but this is just some poor me crap. 

    • GRANDOLAKEV's avatar
      New Scout

      Nah, CG screwed this up in about 4 different ways. Packs are pop ups, the ship is beating Levi which it was 100% advertised as not doing, the ship is doing this with 6 star Execs and the ship is doing it with itself at 3 stars. I don't need to spend crystals on it it now as its either getting nerfed or it does its job at 3 star. 

  • This evens out the meta a bit, I'm not opposed to it. Levi has been top dog for a WHILE now. About time for a shake up in my opinion.

    • Whatelse73's avatar
      Seasoned Vanguard

      So another marquee beating a legendary ship that's supposed to be "Changing the Meta!"? 

      It's not surprising since they keep releasing marquee characters that beat GLs, with or without datacrons.  It's the new shiny, that's the meta according to CG.

  • Whatelse73's avatar
    Seasoned Vanguard

    It doesn't matter if they screwed it up or not.  Doesn't matter if the game is buggy, doesn't matter if GLs are screwed up since the last patch.  Doesn't matter if your roster is irrelevant without datacrons.  Doesn't matter if you have played this game loyally.  CG's only concern is your wallet and if you won't open it, they'll recruit new players to replace you.

    CG's policy is "Shut up and spend money" and nothing else matters, just like EA.

  • MasterSeedy's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran

    Honestly this was badly conceived. 

    If P1 was designed to allow Exec to beat Levi, then 

    Exec beats Levi beats Pro beats Exec. 

    Every one of the three elite cap ships has a valuable role in beating one of the others. But with the way that they've structured it, even if a nerf prevents Exec/BH from defeating Levi, you have 

    Exec beats Pro, Levi beats Exec and Pro, Pro beats... neither of the other two elite ships. 

    This just wasn't thought through very well, UNLESS there's a new Rebel that's going to allow Pro to smash Levi. In that case we'll go through a couple bad months for Profundity but then things rebalance just fine. 

    As it is right now, though, they've made Profundity worth far less than other elite ships.