Mr Tesla wanted to give the world free energy/electricity with his unique teslas. But people didn't like the idea of free so the selfish people killed him. They never could replicate the teslas but instead used his ideas and made millions off it.
As long as people buy, game developers will continue to leech off them. To them we are a statistic and for every 100 free to play players there are the whales/ yoyoyoda/ people who drop over $2000+.
How did Hitler take over so easy?? It's simple he kept invading and pushing his boundaries to see how much he could get away with and when the other countries finally stood up to him the damage had already been dealt. MY point is game developers will continue to push the boundaries by putting out unreasonable sales, there will always be someone who can't wait or doesn't have the time and they will buy that deal continuing the corrupt cycle.
If I'm wrong ask yourself this, is your DLC content getting shorter or more expensive? Are there many so called deals being issued? Are games becoming more pay to win? Well what can a couple of dollars hurt? A couple of dollars literally and figuratively can keep a big bad fire roaring a tad bit longer the only way to stop it is to down right smuther it.
Don't pay, just play. I'm not trying to bash anyone except for hitler. Just thought I give people something to read and think about while sitting on the toilet.