Forum Discussion

BLOODREAPER3000's avatar
5 years ago

What happened to the promise..?

I think there was a promise that you were going to make things so we don't have to spend so much of our time in the game, is that still a thing? This Clash event is like a full time job... 14 hrs later, only came close twice. I wonder if RNG is going to find the developer of that content one day...
  • skipping cutscenes would be much welcomed.. I have ptsd if I think about chewie event..
  • Took me 16 hours and resources to r5 droideka and r6 B1. But it is doable. I am not sure it is worth it though???
  • They only let us run 1 TB at at time so that we can spend more time on the events. Pretty sure that was a response they threw out during one of the Q&A’s (paraphrasing of course.)
  • Uhm, yes it takes some trys, but 14 hours? You need Relic-Level at least on B1 and Droideka and AV or B2 to beat it
  • It has nothing to do with their 'promise' that you go into an event with a heavily undergeared team and you retreat until you get a very favourable RNG.

    I could attempt the last tier of the Chewie event with g8 BH for two days straight and it would be all my fault that I'm wasting all my time on something I'm not prepared for.
  • Spending that much time bashing your head against a wall was your choice. You can reduce your dependence on random battle variance by increasing your gear levels.
  • "EventineElessedil;c-2073090" wrote:
    Spending that much time bashing your head against a wall was your choice. You can reduce your dependence on random battle variance by increasing your gear levels.

    But then I couldn’t come onto the forums and wax lyrically about how awesome I am cuz I did it so undergeared :/
  • "Adamklark;c-2072932" wrote:
    skipping cutscenes would be much welcomed.. I have ptsd if I think about chewie event..

    Omg... don’t remind me lol ?