Forum Discussion

mostlicey's avatar
9 years ago

Which Omega to Prioritize

I'm running a Wiggs, Lando, etc., set up. Reaching level 78 soon. I have just enough omega mats for one upgrade. Don't know when I'll get another 5. Maybe not until level 80. Which one should I omega first: Biggs assist (CD -1) or Lando double down (+25% damage)? Or save it for Anakin's special? But Anakin won't be ready for at least two weeks.

Thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.

13 Replies

  • I was and am still not at level 80 so upgrades to the uniques of Wedge and Biggs are not available to me. And I don't have enough omega mats for another upgrade and probably won't have enough until I get to 80.

    But just for the benefit of others facing the same situation, I'm probably going the following way w/r/t omegas when I get to 80:

    --Biggs special (CD -1) (done)--
    1. Wedge unique (extra speed so I'm (hopefully!) first to get off Biggs's OHKO)
    2. Wedge basic (+15% damage to improve chances that Biggs's special is in fact a OHKO)
    3. Lando special (+25% damage on next use)
    4. JKA special (+15% damage)--if he's arena ready
    5. Biggs basic (+15% damage)
    6. JKA basic (improved chance to debuff)

    Of course, it would be reasonable to go another way (e.g., I could be convinced to switch 2 and 3). But that's my preliminary thinking. The rest of the abilities for this group (including, St Han) seem low priority. I'd rather omega my Rancor raid team first.