Forum Discussion

TAHF4's avatar
6 years ago

Wrong rewards given in mismatched GA

I was rewarded 8th place in my GA when I tied my opponent in round 3..they we're granted 6th place I was the one with higher GP. I was under the impression higher place is awarded to the person with higher GP in the event of a tie.
So not only am I being outmatched Zata and meta toons ..but when I get a tie with higher GP, I'm being punished for investing Thousands of dollars in my broad roster...and now I'm being punished for a tie. I had @ 20k higher GP. Or is he being awarded for haveing more zatas.
  • Unfortunately It looks like it has come to doesn't speak well for the state of a game or a game mode in which you have to document/screenshot everything so you have proper proof.
  • "TRanger;c-1816256" wrote:
    Unfortunately It looks like it has come to doesn't speak well for the state of a game or a game mode in which you have to document/screenshot everything so you have proper proof.

    That's got nothing to do with (quote) "the state of a game or a game mode." It's a bout you and your claims. It's highly unlikely, that you were given the wrong rewards or wrongfully declared the loser in the tie in your 3rd round in the GA as you claim. You may have the higher GP today, but roster lock occured more than 6 days ago. It's most probable, that your opponent had the higher GP back then. But please provide your screenshots. According to yourself you have them. It's really the only way to prove your claim. Feel free to settle this once and for all instead of continuing a pointless discussion and diverting it from the main point - your claims and your proof.
  • "TRanger;c-1815651" wrote:
    Exactly this is what I'm attempting to convey. I have screen shots of our a matter of fact it is still in locked review. Not too difficult to prove over the next 24 hours..or 22 now. So before you attempt to misdirection this...allow me my feedback space thanks.

    There's plenty of space in this discussion to provide your proof. Feel free to do so instead of misdirecting the conversation. It's really quite simple:

    Your GP today and your opponent's GP today are of no importance. The GP at roster lock is the only important thing. If you have screenshots - let's see them (or better yet: Provide the screenshots to EA/CG in a bug report - then post a link to it).
  • I will start doing just bug reports...that was helpful, I appreciate that!
  • "TRanger;c-1816441" wrote:
    I will start doing just bug reports...that was helpful, I appreciate that!

    Cool. That will help us all. And if you would be so kind to post a link here in this discussion, then others with the same problem could add to your bug report.
  • EA_Rtas's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    Alright knock it off, I asked for the arguing to stop in here, and I'm not asking again. I'll be closing this thread now.