"Drazhar;c-1596193" wrote:
I would appreciate a model rework first. His arms start on his chest. Why can't he get his usual battle stance in his normal model instead of posing for some seconds when he uses his first special?
That's true, and both his hands are holding the same part of the lightsaber lol.
"Rebel_yell;c-1596297" wrote:
At some point I'm sure everyone will get a zeta because of the inherent power creep in this game and games like this. I can't imagine that he'd get a tenacity up zeta given his mass dispel is so powerful as it is. Something might be added to his leader ability (which is the worst place for a zeta IMO) just because the rest of his kit is so so so good.
Maybe give jedi allies a 50% counter chance? Might be enough to make him more useful outside of arena, but not so OP that we see every squad with GK again.
Basically that, though I'm sure they will probably be creative with GK's zetas.