Forum Discussion

UtherTheGreat's avatar
7 years ago

Zeta mats challenge(ship ability materials challenge last tier)

Heya all.

At this moment I've got 5 zeta mats from 26 tries. Which is 1 in 5 challenges(and 1 from 10 mats possible). So I wonder if this my luck or a general rule? Because on my first 10-ish tries I've got like 1 mat in 2 challenges(1 in 4 possible) statistically. Not on every 2 challenges, but it was a result of 10-14 challenges. So it might be just my luck. What's your stats?

It's just ridiculous to get 1 zeta every week. As for disclaimer, I'm not here to discuss zeta mats in fleet arena store so I'm not gonna count them. 1 in a week, 4-ish in a month..

Every month we get at least 1 character with at least 1 zeta ability. Even with fleet arena store, it's painful for new players to gear old characters, not to mention new ones. Priorities are good ofc, but there is no way to 'catch up' with this speed.
  • Last week I got 5 Zetas. The week before zero. And the week before that 1. It’s like gambling. Sometimes you are on top and sometimes you are not.
  • "Liath;c-1445621" wrote:
    One per challenge day is the expected average over time.

    Yah that was my general idea. But 26 tries(13 event days) =) it's just... wtf.