Forum Discussion

mdrewbullard33's avatar
8 years ago

1 for 31 on stun cuffs

I simmed 31 battles, 3 at a time, and got only ONE stun cuff. I'm not one to usually gripe about RNG but this is maddening. Have any iof the higher level players found stun cuff drops in the challenges or anywhere else?
  • "Wolfpack22;734314" wrote:
    This is more of a rigged slot machine than video game.

    shhh....don't be exposing their dirty little secrets
  • "Wolfpack22;734314" wrote:
    This is more of a rigged slot machine than video game. Everyone blames bad RNG but let's be honest what are the odds in 12 turns that you don't get at least one of the pieces you are trying to get. This is like flipping a coin 12 times and always getting the same result. The "RNG" is even worse in the raids for me at least. I consistently finish in the top 3 in my guild and never received a full piece of raid gear there yet almost every time I'm late to hoping in a raid and finish outside the top 10 I get a full piece. I can't imagine I'm the only one putting up with this and I'm not sure how much longer we all want to deal with the grind.

    It's actually more like rolling an 8-sided die 12 times and never getting an 8.

    Just to commiserate, I just went 4/48 (8.3%) on M3 comlinks. At least I only have 16 to go, right?
  • I don't even look anymore... I just go 20 sims at once and close the showing rewards before i even get to see how many i've dropped... This makes me calm and think that maybe i got a little more this time...
  • It's definitely frustrating to see all of my energy go for nothing. Farming stun cuffs is an unrewarding grind. They label stun cuffs and stun guns as raid gear but I never get them in my rewards. All I have been receiving lately are furnace salvage pieces and those white discs. Furnaces were nice for awhile but when you have over 200 saved up its a big let down to see them pop up as your reward. And every time I look in my store, stun cuffs and droid callers for 1400 crystals or more. How shocking.
  • I went through 4 refreshes yesterday. 0 cuffs.

    0/48 there is something wrong.
  • Stun cuffs and Mk5 stun guns are the worst. They don't drop in challenges (whcih for the Mk5, makes no sense - since the mk4s do) - and they are horrible drop they charge you 1400 crystals for a set...just like raid gear. WAI. :(
  • I do not farm them anymore. I stack crystals from dailies and arena and buy in the shop Stun cuffs, stun guns and thermal detonators. More efficient and less frustrating. Use the energy to farm other gear and shards.

    I do not know whether the rate drop has been modified (I wouldn't discard it), but is really frustrating after so many months playing this system and is discouraging many players.
  • My RNG woes are with raid gear, and character shards in cantina and hard mode. 10 sim tickets and 0 shards is not fun, but happens to me at least twice a week.
  • "Wolfpack22;734314" wrote:
    This is more of a rigged slot machine than video game. Everyone blames bad RNG but let's be honest what are the odds in 12 turns that you don't get at least one of the pieces you are trying to get. This is like flipping a coin 12 times and always getting the same result. The "RNG" is even worse in the raids for me at least. I consistently finish in the top 3 in my guild and never received a full piece of raid gear there yet almost every time I'm late to hoping in a raid and finish outside the top 10 I get a full piece. I can't imagine I'm the only one putting up with this and I'm not sure how much longer we all want to deal with the grind.

    I've started hanging back in raids for this reason. If you finish in front you will usually get 40 salvage of something useless and 2 sets of 16 salvage that are okay. If you finish at the botttom you seem to either get 16 stun guns and a Full piece or 9 cuffs and a full piece.

    That's how the rewards usually go for me at least.