Forum Discussion

Brymc_Gamel's avatar
Rising Rookie
5 hours ago

Territory War advice needed.

My guild, Galactic Allegiance, has a terrible record in TW and I feel like I am failing them as a leader. Would love to hear from you all what TW strategies I might consider.

We typically win 1 out of 10, sometimes against teams that have lesser amounts of GP, GL, etc. We've changed the strategy several times - all GL on front walls, holding more GL for attack, whole walls of TW omi, etc - but, man, do we keep losing. We have gotten better on defensive holds, but our attack is lacking (sometimes can't break thru a front wall).

We are not a full guild which hurts us, and we certainly have trouble against some recent datacrons...but I'm wondering what we can do to have a better success rate.

What works for you? Do you assign certain guildmates to set defense vs assign some to attack? Is there a certain faction that works best in a certain area? Thanks for any advice.

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