Forum Discussion

IgneoMorte's avatar
7 years ago

16 Energy Cantina Farms: Refresh or Shipments

For 16 energy Cantina farms, is it more economical to buy the shards from Shipments at 80 crystals each, or to refresh Cantina for 8 attempts for 100 crystals?
  • 100 crystal refreshes are cheaper
    200 crystal refreshes are pretty much break even
    400 crystal shipments are double the cost of shipments. Better off refreshing the shipment store and buying shards

    The 200 crystal refreshes will give you other currency at the risk of poor RNG.
  • If you believe in 1/3 drop rate, then the answer is obvious: refresh for 100 crystals. In 3 refreshes you expect to get 8 shards (sometimes more sometimes less). So for 300 you get 8. Don't get frustrated if you only get 1 or 0 in one refresh. In the long run you'll be OK.
  • I'm FTP trying to maximize my crystals and I'm doing 5 refreshes a day as it's worth the 200 refreshes to get that cantina currency (maxing cassians ship with it so I'll be ready for 7* Chimera). I had 6000 crystals saved up when they dropped them tho, and I go back about 100 crystals a day with also getting regular refreshes
  • I feel the 300 crystals for the 3 refreshes is good. At 400 crystals, for 14/15 you 4-5 shards (if RNG on ur side). Id rather just get the guaranteed from the shop. Sure you get some other goodies, but in the end, all I care about are the Vet shards.

  • I’ve gone 5/21 on spending 300 crystals on refreshes for vet chewie. So it’s slighly better than 4 for 320 from the ship, and you get all the bonus mats and cantina store currency too.